Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Human Deaths from Animal Diseases on the Rise


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why aren't you posting about all the huricanes that didn't happen this year? Global warming isn't even a theory because it has zero credible evidence to back it up. It's no theory of evolution, its not even on the level of string theory.

The lengths that green pseudo-scientist shills will go to push the ridiculous agenda of the Green party is sickening when you think of all the millions of dollars wasted on a theory that is nothing more than unfounded conjecture; all while millions of people are starving to death because they can't eat GM foods because it "might be bad for them"

If you knew what sickening hypocrisy and non-scientific garbage the Green party gets up to you would abandon this site immediately.

P.S. I'm a liberal, not a republican. Not that it matters but people seem to think that you can't think global warming isn't caused by human activity without being called a repug.

2:31 AM  
Blogger Chris Irwin said...

Did you read the other 300 post to this blog? The hundreds of scientific agencies reporting the same thing? Agencies ranging from NASA to the World Health Organization and other "pseudo-scientist". You should read first, then comment.

12:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We now have the carbon and temp records going back over 650,000 years. Run the carbon line beside the temp and you see a direct correlation between the two. One goes up, so does the other and vice versa. Carbon levels have not been as high as they are now in the last 650,000 years.

12:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've read a lot of propaganda, and I'm happy to say that I remain skeptical about any claims that man is to blame for global warming or climate change of any kind, because I have enough of a background in science to understand how theories usually become accepted (i.e rigorous testing), and how this is NOT the case with global warming.

It's alarmist and damaging, just like the campaigns against DDT, GM food, and a host of other anti-science, anti-humanity agendas that eco-nazi terrorists support.

In a few years time you'll be sickened to realize how much suffering this total ignorance to the benefits of science has wreaked on humanity. I hope you'll repent.

4:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You don't answer a single point I raised. You call people "eco-nazis" (a term from rush lardball), "ignorant", "alarmist", but say nothing about the direct correlation between carbon levels and global temps clearly traced back for over 650,000 years. You don't address the over 300 articles of proof on this blog from most of the worlds credible scientific agencies--including WHO, NASA, Centers for Disease Control...

Insult is not fact, nor is it science.

10:44 AM  

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